Is Your Skin Lacking Moisture & Hydration? Does It Look Parched & Even See Signs Of Premature Aging? Is It Tight & Itchy? Is Your Skin Cracked & Inflamed?

Are Your Current Bath & Body Care Products Providing That Continual Renewal, Hydration, Moisture & Nourishment That Your Skin So Desperately & Perpetually Seeks, In Order To Optimally Perform It’s #1 Duty? Which Is To Protect The Inner Workings Of Your Body??

Lemme School You Really Quickly, Just In Case You Didn’t Know, Now You Will!

 The Body’s First Line Of Defense In Protection From Potential Diseases, Germs, Rashes, Inflammation & Foreign Matter, Heavily Relies On Your Skin Being Perfectly In Tact & Healthy.

 Your Skin, Being The Largest Organ In Your Body Is Made Up Of 3 Major Layers:

.Epidermis (Outer Layer)

.Dermis (Mid Layer)

.Hypodermis Or (Subcutaneous Fat)

 The Layer We Will Be Focusing On, Is The Epidermis, This Is The Layer In Which You Touch, Wash, Exfoliate, Moisturize, Etc.

 As Your Skin’s Outer Layer. The Epidermis Is The Layer That Is Responsible For The Health Of Your Skin & Provides Protection From External Elements & Moisture Loss. It Is Also The Layer In Which Bacteria & Products Penetrate. Can You Believe The Epidermis Is As Thin As A Piece Of Tissue Paper?! Yup.

 But Check This Out, There Are Actually 5 Sublayers Of Cells That Start From The Surface Of The Skin All The Way Down To The Dermis That Make Up The Epidermis & All Play An Active Role & Work Synergistically Together.

 The 5 Sublayers That Make Up The Epidermis Are As Follows:

-Stratum Corneum

-Stratum Lucidum (Palms Of Hands & Soles Of Feet Only)

-Stratum Granulosum

-Stratum Mucosum

-Stratum Germinativum


The Cells Of The Skin Are Actually Formed In The Deepest Layer Called The Germinativum Layer & Move Upward Toward The Corneum Layer. Through This Little & Exhausting Journey, The Cells Undergo Several Changes During This Upward Process. Transforming From Soft & “Gooey” Epidermal Cells, Into Flat Surfaces “Scales” That Constantly Rub Off Or Shed.

The Skin Cells Of The Epidermis Kind Of Resemble Shingles On A Roof Of A House. They Slightly Overlap One Another & They Do Not Lie Perfectly Flat. This Formation Of The Cells Allow For The Controlled Absorption Of Water, Products &/Or Ingredients Into The Different Layers Of The Epidermis.

The Epidermis Holds Large Amounts Of Water Within Itself. The Layer With The Highest Amount Of Water Content Is The Germinativum Layer, Which Holds Around 80%. Each Layer Thereafter Contain Less & Less Water With The Stratum Corneum Holding The Least Amount Of Water, Only Around 10-15%. The Water Is Actually Held Within The Cell’s Cytoplasmic Gel As Well As In The Spaces Between The Cells Called “Intercellular Channels”.


Now That You Have A Basic Understanding & Somewhat Of An Image Of The Makeup, Structure, Foundation & Function Of Your Epidermal Skin, I Can Now Tell You A Little Bit About How Nature’s Preserve Products Might Be The Answer To Your Skin’s Prayers.

Since Taking The Minimal & Natural Skin Care Route Several Years Ago, My Skin Has Regained & Attained It’s Health & Radiance. I Don’t Believe Our Skin Was Created Or Equipped To Handle A Million Different Products To Function At Its Best. We Just Need To Be More Attentive & Patient To Its Needs. A Few High-Quality Products Filled With Healthy, Nutritious & Nourishing Ingredients Incorporated Into A Consistent Day/Night Routine Is A Sure Way To Help Keep & Maintain A Healthy, Lustrous & Nourished Epidermis, Now & Well Into The Future.

With All Of That Being Said,

You No Longer Have To Deal With Inflammation, Dry &/Or Cracked Skin, Skin That Is Itchy, Red &/Or Painful. Skin That Is Dull & Lacking In Luster & Possibly Showing Some Signs Of Premature Aging, As Most Of These Are The Results Of A Compromised Skin Barrier.

 I Wanted To Create Products That Deeply Hydrate, Moisturize & Preserve The Natural Health Of Your Skin, Inside & Outside Of The Tub, Returning That Inner Glow & Radiance That Only Healthy Skin Can Reflect. Utilizing 100% Natural Ingredients, Blending Specific Butters & Oils Together & Then Scenting With Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils To Further Entice The Senses As A Form Of Aromatherapy For A More Profound Experience For You & Your Skin.

Nature’s Preserve Products Assist In The Natural, Organic & Primitive Preservation Of Your Skin, Utilizing Rich, Exotic, Luxurious & High Quality Nut Butters & Plant Oils That Are High In Nutrients, Vitamins & Essential Fatty Acids, That Are Then Blended With Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Which Add Another Layer Of Nutritive Quality. We Are Utilizing Some Of Earth’s Naturally Occurring Resources As Food For The Skin. The Richness Of These Natural Ingredients Blended Together Work Synergistically With The Composition, Makeup & Structure Of Your Skin’s Barrier. As The Ingredients Absorb Through The Different Layers Of The Epidermis & Retain Moisture & Hydration Longer Within The Intercellular Channels, Your Skin Will Naturally Begin To Heal Itself, Revealing Healthier & More Supple, Brighter Skin On The Surface.

                                     I Wanted To Take It Back To The Primitive Times. Times When People Created Creams, “Potions” & “Fountain Of Youth”, & Contained Them In Apothecary Jars & Bottles. Times When You Probably Had To Travel To A Little Cottage In The Woods To Purchase Your Skin Care Preparations From The Local Beauty Alchemist. Preparations That Were Blended & Created Using Wild Herbs, Spices, Flowers, Oils, Butters, Clays & Every Other Good Thing That Can Be Found In The Very Face Of Nature & In Its Abundance. No Synthetics, No Man-Made Ingredients, Just Pure Nature, Unadulterated.

This Is What I Wanted, To Create Products With That Old-Time Efficacy, But With An Elevated & Luxurious Feel, Due To The Careful Selection Of The Ingredients Chosen. Products That Naturally Preserve Your Skin With Each Use.

  Welcome, Into The World Of Nature’s Preserve-Bath & Body For The Naturals, Where Miracles & Magical Things, Really Do Take Place.